Dogs are great pets. They always want to play, cheer you up when you’re down, and will love you unconditionally. For most, dogs aren’t just a pet, they’re part of the family and all it takes is your dog giving you the cute puppy eyes to convince you to bring them everywhere with you. And while you’re out and about with your dog, you most likely will be snapping photos of them being adorable.
A good picture tells a story, and dogs are great subjects to photograph as their lives are full of curiosity and adventure. Here are 20 photo ideas of dogs that will hopefully inspire you to go out and take more pictures of your furry friend.
Dog Pictures
This little pug is enjoying some fresh air and sunshine while on a car ride. Having your camera ready at all times will mean you won’t miss moments like these.
Even when a dog has sad eyes, they still look absolutely adorable.
Fetch time should be all the time!
This dog is enjoying some quality time with his owner at the beach. Even on the hottest days, the beach is always a great place to bring your dog to keep them nice and cool, and a great place for photos.
Bath time may not be a dog’s favorite time of day, but it sure does make for a super cute photo opportunity!
Some nice, green grass will always make a dog smile. A lot of great photo ideas will be in the outdoors, where many dogs are the happiest.
Jumping images are impressive, especially if your dog is very athletic.
Don’t we all wish we looked this flawless while we ran through water?
These two pups look extra cozy while they get ready for a much needed nap.
How can you not want to go outside and play all day with this guy? His eyes know how to plea for play time really well.
Sometimes all you need is a breeze in your face to feel like you just got a fresh start to the day. This little puppy is looking recharged and ready to take on anything!
These two old timers look like they know a thing or two about going on adventures. It’s always more fun when you bring your dogs with you on an all day outing or camping trip.
You might get lucky capturing your two dogs playing tag!
A visit to the mountains not only does a person good, but a dog enjoys it as well. Dogs make excellent hiking buddies and they they may love a good mountain climb as much as you do.
This Bernese Mountain Dog has “I’m excited!” written all over his face.
This guy is patiently waiting for his some time outside. Just like us, dogs get bored, but at least they look adorable while doing it.
It’s always important to get your dogs outside for a good run. Not only does it make them happy dogs, but it also is a great opportunity for fun photos.
Sometimes you just need a nice empty basket to take a nap in.
Even though bulldogs look like they have a permanent smile on their cute faces, this little guy looks extra happy with his belly being rubbed in the grass.
When you find a good stick, be sure to always bring it home with you.